From Carl ("Buddy") Grohs, Jr. '62 Scrapbook

Buddy describes these as "benches 11 & 12 from  Sealtest (on Bridge Street) in my basement! They need rebuilding and I will get that done one day. When Sealtest closed the guy who bought the building turned it into a used car lot. (Sad.) He just took everything out and piled it in the parking lot. Whoever wanted it could come and get it, the remainder went to the dump I guess. I didn't hear about it until after the fact so I missed getting anything. I later tracked down a set of the seats and bought them. Don't know where the rest went. The idiot who gave that stuff  away should have realized that if he would have had an auction, he could have made some pretty good money, I would think. No telling what I would have paid for the seats! 500 bucks would not have been out of the question. They were still in good shape then and not needing repairs, the ones I finally got had been sitting outside semi-covered for over 6 months and had deteriorated right much."